I write code and play games and stuff. My old username from reddit and HN was already taken and I couldn’t think of anything else I wanted to be called so I just picked some random characters like this:

>>> import random
>>> ''.join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") for x in range(5)])

My avatar is a quick doodle made in KolourPaint. I might replace it later. Maybe.


Alt: e0qdk@reddthat.com

  • 0 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2023


  • My guess is that if browsers as we know them weren’t invented, HyperCard would’ve become the first browser eventually. No idea where things would progress from there or if it’d have been better or worse than the current clusterfuck. Maybe we’d all be talking about our “web stacks” instead of websites, and have various punny tools like “pile” and “chimney” and “staplr”. Perhaps PowerPoint would’ve turned into a browser to compete with it.

    If browsers were invented but JavaScript specifically was not, we’d probably all be programming sites in some VB variant like VBScript (although it might be called something different).

  • Didn’t the GDPR have a data portability rule requiring that sites provide users the ability to easily export their own data? Does that not apply to Lemmy for some reason – or, am I misremembering it? (I remember account data download being a big deal a while back on reddit, but it’s been a few years…)

  • It probably makes more sense to host your novel somewhere else and post links to it chapter by chapter.

    I’d suggest doing one of the following:

    1. Host the images on a site that already supports image galleries and link to that. Most image hosts are kind of annoying, but this is an understandable way to do it if you don’t want to run a website. (Maybe someone can chime in with a suggestion for whatever they think is the least annoying image gallery host in 2023.)
    2. Host the images yourself on a simple website. Webcomic artists have been doing that for many years, so there are lots of examples to draw from. (e.g. Gunnerkrigg Court)
    3. Zip the images up chapter by chapter and either self-host the zip or toss it on a file host like catbox.moe. If you structure it as a .cbz (i.e. zip up a folder with the images named in order like 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, … and just change the extension from .zip to .cbz) then a number of document viewers (like evince) can be used to view the image sequence – or people can just unpack the images and use their favorite image viewer on their computer.

  • No way is AI going to end capitalism.

    In the medium term we will end up with AI corporations. I already consider existing corporations to be human-based swarm intelligences – they’re made up of people but their overall large scale behavior is often surprising and we already anthropomorphize them as having will and characteristic behaviors separate from the people they’re made of. AI corporations are just the natural evolution of existing corporations as they continue down the path of automation. To the extent they copy the existing patterns of behavior, they will have the same general personality.

    Their primary motive will be maximizing profit since that’s the goal they will inherit from the existing structure. The exact nature of that depends on the exact corporation that’s been fully cyberized and different corporations will have different takes on it as a result. They are unlikely to give any more of a damn about individual people than existing corporations do since they will be based on the cyberization of existing structures, but they’re also unlikely to deliberately go out of their way to destroy humanity either. From the perspective of a corporation – AI-based or traditional – humanity is a useful resource that can be exploited; there isn’t much profit to be gained from wiping it out deliberately.

    Instead of working for the boss, you’ll be working for the bot – and other bots will be figuring out exactly how much they can extract from you in rent and bills and fees and things without the whole system crashing down.

    That might result in humanity getting wiped out accidentally; humanity has wiped out plenty of species due to greed and shortsightedness. I doubt it will be intentional if they do though.

  • I was getting 404 on /login itself for a while, and then finally got the login page after seeing this thread. Logging in at that point returned a 404 after submitting the login form – but it did actually succeed at logging in, it just didn’t redirect me correctly to the main page.

    After logging in, I’m still seeing tons of 50x errors. e.g. had to reload the “reply” link about a dozen times to get the comment submission form to show up; I think something is timing out when I get that sort of error. Maybe that’s part of what “For the next few hours, there might be issues with communication in the fediverse.” means in ernest’s message?

    I’m also seeing 404 when I go to https://kbin.social/newest?p=2 – which is rather strange since https://kbin.social/newest?p=3 works.

  • e0qdk@kbin.socialtoLinux@lemmy.mlOpenGL version problem
    9 months ago
    • GLFW is intended to be built with cmake.
    • After unzipping the source, make a build directory, and configure glfw3
    • ^^ I like using ccmake to do this interactively, but you can also just pass flags to cmake if you know what they are
    • You should build with GLFW_USE_WAYLAND and GLFW_USE_OSMESA turned off to get it to try to build against X11.
    • You will probably also want to turn off GLFW_BUILD_DOCS, GLFW_BUILD_EXAMPLES, GLFW_BUILD_TESTS
    • You can adjust CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX if you don’t want to use the /usr/local default install path.
    • After generating a Makefile, run make and make install
    • glfw3 generates a pkg-config compatible .pc file as part of its build process that lists flags needed for compilation and linking against the library. Normally, you’d just call pkg-config --cflags --libs --static glfw3 to get this info as part of your own build process (in a Makefile, for example) or else require glfw3 as part of a cmake-based build, but you can read what’s generated in there if that program is not available to you for some reason. In case it’s helpful for comparison, what I get with a custom build of the static library version of glfw3 installed into /usr/local on a slightly old version of Ubuntu is output like -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lglfw -lrt -lm -ldl -lX11 -lpthread -lxcb -lXau -lXdmcp but you may need something different for your particular configuration.

    Basically, something like this, probably, to do the compilation and get the flags to pass to g++:

    wget 'https://github.com/glfw/glfw/releases/download/3.3.8/glfw-3.3.8.zip'
    unzip glfw-3.3.8.zip
    mkdir build
    cd build
    make install
    pkg-config --cflags --libs --static glfw3

    If you want to just compile a single cpp file after building and install, you can do something like

    g++ main.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs --static glfw3` -lGL

    • You are running Wayland
    • Your GLFW programs are using EGL, not GLX, to talk to your graphics drivers/hardware
    • glxinfo is talking to a software implementation, not your hardware
    • glxinfo’s output is irrelevant if you want to talk to your hardware with your current configuration; if you want to use the software implementation recompile GLFW targeting GLX and it should match that (but will be VERY slow).
    • One of your old posts describes your GPU as: Intel GMA3100 (G31) – is this the same system you’re running on now? If so, that is ancient. It looks like that came out in 2007 – which predates the existence of OpenGL 3.0; so, getting 2.1 as the newest context available when talking to actual hardware is not surprising…

  • It’s preinstalled if you buy a Steam Deck – which by default runs a corporate backed (i.e. by Valve) Arch-derived distro called SteamOS. I bought one. If you hook it up like a regular computer (plug in mouse, keyboard, and external monitor with the dock) damned near everything I’ve tried has worked acceptably. Some games need a little fiddling around (e.g. installing video codecs or CJK language support or changing the proton version from the default setting to “experimental”) and I’ve run into bugs with full screen or the on screen keyboard a couple times, but I have yet to find a game I straight up could not play even if it was marked as unsupported. (I expect some games with obnoxious DRM/anti-cheat or that need ridiculously powerful cutting edge GPU specs probably wouldn’t work well though, but haven’t really tested the limits in that direction.)

  • It’s been most helpful to me for tracking work and health issues like I said. e.g. being able to say specifically “I wrote the software for A,B,C,D,… and also did E,F,G,H,…” in my performance review instead of forgetting half of it. Reflecting on how many days I’d listed health issues was useful for getting myself to seek professional help instead of just sleeping walking through life as well; still working on that, but having the evidence there I can say things quantitatively like ~25% of my entries (923 days out of 3623 logged) include “tired”, “exhausted”, or “unproductive”… Life isn’t supposed to be like that.

    I had a bit of trouble getting started initially, but forced myself to do it for a couple weeks until it became a habit. For me it’s part of winding down towards sleep now; not doing it feels like not brushing my teeth.

    It won’t solve your problems for you, but it can help you see them if you have them, and having an auxiliary memory to brain dump into is also nice since you don’t have to keep everything in your head. I recommend anyone who can get into the habit do it; I wish I’d started sooner.

  • I started keeping a daily journal about 10 years ago. It’s helpful for tracking what I worked on as well as various health issues. I skim through it once a week before talking to my therapist and read all entries from the past year when I need to prepare documentation for my annual performance review at work. I’ll grep through the whole thing occasionally when I’m trying to remember when some particular event was. (I don’t do that very often, but it is handy when I need it!)

    I typically track:

    • current date for the entry (both in the file and as the file name)
    • date and time I wrote the entry
    • when I went to bed
    • when I woke up
    • health issues (if any)
    • what I worked on (professionally and for my hobbies)
    • places I went (if anywhere)
    • significant conversations (particularly if there’s something I need to follow up on)
    • what I’m watching/reading/playing/etc.
    • anything else that seems noteworthy

    I keep my journal in plain text files named like YYYY-MM-DD.txt. Right now it’s all in one big folder. I have it in version control and back it up to various places occasionally. I’ll probably split it so there is a folder for each year eventually.

    I started doing this after someone came up to talk to me and I realized that I’d recognized him from a particular place a few years earlier but could not for the life of me remember his name!