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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • No. Read it again. I never said allegation. I never referenced court proceedings. I said the act of rape is indefensible.

    If you commit rape, there is no “decent” defense. If you didn’t, then my comment doesn’t apply. Simple as that.

    There is no excuse for sexual violence, and there never will be.

  • Your reply is completely unrelated to what I said. There is no such thing as a decent defense for raping someone. If they didn’t rape anyone, good! If they did, that is an indefensible act by its very nature.

    I made no comment at all on whether or not any specific individual is guilty or not. So I’m really confused what your point is here…?

  • Your choice of words was absolutely terrible. There is no such thing as a decent defense of rape. Now, an effective defense in our busted legal system? That’s a whole different story. But “decent” does not apply in cases of sexual assault and violence. Ever.

  • I’m delivering papers, wee hours in the morning, middle of winter. Just had a storm recently, so roads were rather icy. Go to cross the street when my dog starts acting all weird, won’t let me cross. Just as I’m getting frustrated, suddenly a pickup truck comes barreling around the corner. Driver immediately loses control on the ice, truck goes into a sideways slide at a pretty high speed.

    That truck missed me by maybe a foot at most.