• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • This is a long time coming TBH. It hasn’t made sense for at least 10-15 years for Microsoft to still be trying to “win” against Linux. To me when I see it it seems weird. It’s like your old grandpa who still talks about the “japs” when he sees someone driving a Toyota.

    Linux runs most of the smartphones in the world, and a BSD fork runs the rest. It’s done. No one is going to deploy Windows Server 2023 edition to run their web services unless something’s gone pretty badly wrong. We’re all focused on AI and cloud computing now, and have been for some time.

    The most critical thing a business can do to remain successful is recognize and adapt to the new reality.

  • mo_ztt ✅@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago
    1. Settings & Beta -> Data controls -> Export data
    2. Unzip
    Python 3.11.3 (main, Apr 21 2023, 11:54:59) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)] on darwin
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import json
    >>> with open('conversations.json') as infile:
    ...     convos = json.load(infile)
    >>> for convo in convos:
    ...     for key, value in convo['mapping'].items():
    ...         message = value.get("message", None)
    ...         if message:
    ...             parts = message.get("content", {}).get("parts", [])
    ...             for part in parts:
    ...                 if 'text to search' in part:
    ...                     print(part)
    1. Customize to taste

  • So, as weird as this is to say after I joined with others in telling you your question was bad / unfair, I actually think pretty similarly to you in terms of the value of free speech. I have an instance set up which I’ve been neglecting as I work on some other projects, but once I get time to get back around to it, I plan to operate it as a semi-production server, and to federate with some of the “banned” right-wing instances mostly out of curiosity to see what’s on them.

    If you’re interested in an account on my instance, send me a DM and let’s talk, as I do somewhat support your mission. Just I would repeat that as far as I can tell, defederating in practice has not a lot to do with “free speech” and more just with operational sustainability (choosing who to federate with not because you object to what’s being said on certain servers, but just as a matter of keeping illegal or clearly destructive behavior off your instance so that it can continue to function well.)

  • I’ve argued with tankies at length on lemmy.ml, and just this morning I posted this, and I’ve never had any kind of problem with being banned or having posts or comments removed. I had my posts removed from both the right and the left on reddit, which pissed me off in both instances, but I’ve literally never seen it happen yet on lemmy.world.

    I suspect that what you want is not “free speech,” because as far as I can tell, that already exists here to a pretty firm degree. If you really want to federate with everyone, you can run your own instance. If you want someone else to do the work of running the instance, but for them not to be able to defederate to protect themselves from abuse or illegality, I’m not sure what to tell you other than good luck with that.

  • Yah dude. I am a super newcomer to Lemmy, but when I started up it was refreshing that it was cerebral and different and marched to its own beat. I never even really noticed how much image / meme content had taken over reddit, until I saw a place without it. I didn’t agree with the tankies. But, there are tankies! This place is great. It’s different and authentic. I like it. And now, over the last couple of months I’ve been carefully attempting to keep my subscriptions on Lemmy to the factual stuff and eliminate from the feed stuff that’s memes or “Hold my whatever, I’m going in!” just kind of time-wasting.

    And yet, even in the “good” parts I’ve been seeing this takeover of people who are… I don’t even know what they’re doing. I think it’s just sort of this dopamine loop that they want to come on and yammer. I’m sort of assuming that this is maybe a problem only on the big instances, that may be better on Mastadon or on more form-a-community type of instances? Maybe? I hope so.

  • Naturally, the operator called in the operating-system developers. They found the bandit ghost jobs running, and X’ed them… and were once again surprised. When Robin Hood was X’ed, the following sequence of events took place:

      !X id1
      id1:   Friar Tuck... I am under attack!  Pray save me!  (Robin Hood)
      id1: Off (aborted)
      id2: Fear not, friend Robin!  I shall rout the Sheriff of Nottingham's men!
      id3: Thank you, my good fellow! (Robin)

    Each ghost-job would detect the fact that the other had been killed, and would start a new copy of the recently-slain program within a few milliseconds. The only way to kill both ghosts was to kill them simultaneously (very difficult) or to deliberately crash the system.

    Finally, the system programmers did the latter… only to find that the bandits appeared once again when the system rebooted!

    -Classic hacker bedtime story

  • The town was infested with some sort of radioactivity from underground that was hurting people. I had to crawl underground, through these super-tight tunnels deep under the earth with things getting more and more evil as I went, until I was able to track the source of the radioactivity to a giant monster that lived back up on the surface (via the tunnels) in an abandoned barn. I had to fight the monster, but I could fly inside the barn. I ripped its head off, but every time I did, it was just like a big rubbery mask and a new head grew back, until I figured out how to do it fast enough that it wouldn’t have time to pop a new head out. When I did that, the real head came out: Tux the Linux Penguin.

    That broke the immersion enough that I woke up, all amped up from adrenaline from fighting the monster.

  • Chicane, Autumn Tactics:

    Hiding summer’s age no more
    No more leaves in summer sky
    Turning dark on empty car lots
    When summer was my only friend

    Bruce Springsteen, The Ghost of Tom Joad:

    He pulls a prayer book out of his sleeping bag
    Preacher lights up a butt and he takes a drag
    Waiting for when the last shall be first and the first shall be last
    In a cardboard box beneath the underpass

    You got a one-way ticket to the promised land
    You got a hole in your belly and a gun in your hand
    Sleeping on a pillow of solid rock
    Bathing in the city aqueduct

    Well the highway is alive tonight
    Where it’s headed, everybody knows
    I’m sitting down here in the campfire light
    Waiting on the ghost of Tom Joad

    Jefferson Airplane, Young Girl Sunday Blues:

    One side of me is filled with brightness
    No matter what I might say
    The days I made with waterfall colors
    Could not make you stay
    If rain falls down the side of my face,
    Must be a rainy day.

    Emmylou Harris, Deeper Well:

    Well, I did it for kicks and I did it for hate
    I did it for lust and I did it for faith
    Did it for need and I did it for love
    Addiction stayed on tight like a glove
    So I ran with the moon and I ran with the night
    And the three of us were a terrible sight
    Nipple to the bottle, to the gun, to the cell
    To the bottom of a hole of a deeper well
    Lookin’ for the water from a deeper well
    Lookin’ for the water from a deeper well
    I rocked with the cradle and I rolled with the rage
    I shook those walls and I rattled that cage
    Took my trouble down a dead end trail
    Reachin’ out a hand for a holier grail
    Hey there, mama, did you carry that load
    Did you tell your baby 'bout the bend in the road
    'Bout the rebel yell, ‘bout the one that fell
    Lookin’ for the water from a deeper well

    Sonic Youth, Unmade Bed:

    Look who’s come back home again
    Loser looking for his lucky break
    This time he says he just needs a friend
    Ain’t on the run he ain’t on the take

    Can you unlock this door babe
    Will you just undo the chain
    Will you take your time before you
    Mix up love, his love and pain

    Loneliness lays down his head
    Wants to get you high, better take it now
    A man like that’s like an unmade bed
    Stained eyes searching for another way out

    And, of course, Butterfingers is endlessly entertaining

  • I can think of three big pieces of advice:

    1. Are you sure? I think the golden age of the magic tech jobs is nearing its end. If you want to join the tech industry because it’s an easy ticket for a successful life then you might wanna rethink that. If you want to join the tech industry because engineering is pure magic and you want to be a part of that, then by all means, you do you. Just be ready for it to be a bumpy road if you aren’t able to adapt to whatever AI does to the industry over the lifetime of your career.

    2. Find companies who will treat you right, and where people are real and do real shit. When I was first starting out, a project I was working on was behind. I stayed over the weekend, even though people told me not to. I finished, I was proud of myself. Then I came in on Monday and everyone else’s stuff was behind anyway, so we missed our deadline regardless, and in the end it didn’t matter. Right around that time was when I decided, more or less, to hell with this. At the company I eventually jumped ship to, my boss would regularly push back on clients who wanted us to work weekends, come by and encourage people to live a normal life instead of just a working-to-death life. Basically, he looked out for people. So I stayed there for quite a while. Basically, after that experience, if the boss wasn’t looking out for me or the tech was shoddy, I bailed instantly. You gotta have a good human life and take pride in what you do.

    3. Own up to your fuck-ups. You’ll make some. I’ve destroyed important hardware, made massive architecture mistakes on client work which the clients then identified and talked to us about, deleted the partition table on an important public-facing server, you name it. When I did something like this, I would be 100% upfront about what happened. In good working environments, people would recognize and give respect for that, because nobody’s perfect. In bad working environments, being upfront about mistakes would somehow be a bad thing (see point #2). The answer is not to become sneaky. The answer is to leave and go somewhere where people respect honesty. Those places do exist.

  • Superman, in the middle of a Lex Luthor crisis, is simply nowhere to be found. The citizens of Metropolis, after taking a little while to really absorb that he’s not coming to bail them out, find reserves of determination and ingenuity they didn’t know they had; with the aid of a clever ruse and a computer virus, they take down Lex Luthor and manage to get him into some sort of super-prison like Hannibal Lector.

    After it’s all over, Superman comes back and holds a press conference to explain his dereliction of duty. He explains that most of the real problems facing humanity aren’t things he can solve. They’re facing global warming, the death of the oceans and the Amazon, the threat of fascism and nuclear war. What’s he supposed to do? Fly up in space and personally maintain a little fleet of reflector panels? Run around disarming the nukes when someone tries to drop one? He could. But, that’s not the way. Eventually, something will come up that he’s not capable to solve. He says, more or less: You always had the capability to help yourselves; the issue is, you’re not doing it. The problems I can solve for you are actually pretty trivial compared to the problems you’re causing for yourselves.

    He says: Humanity, you need to get your shit together. My planet died because the will to recognize and solve the problems wasn’t there. My home’s gone, and it’s not coming back. Clearly my race didn’t have the answer, and now they’re functionally extinct. That’s the future for you, too, unless you choose a different path. I’m not going to feed into the comforting lie that someone from outside is going to save you. They’re not.

    Good luck. This is my home now, too, so in all sincerity, please don’t fuck it up like my people did. God bless.

    And then he walks off the stage amid a hubbub of questions.

  • “Requiem for a Dream.” It’s a great movie to watch once. I loved it, never have any interest in watching it again, and saw the book and thought, “Oh I liked that movie I’ll grab the book.” I started reading, and the first scene (as in the movie) is the junkie is at his mom’s place trying to steal her TV to sell to buy drugs, and she’s begging him not to because she wants him to get help, and he finds she’s chained the TV up so he can’t steal it as he’s done before, and he gets really mad at her because she’s chained the TV up so he can’t steal it.

    I thought, “Oh, right,” and put the book down immediately. I have no interest in picking it up and reading the rest of it.