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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m very accustomed to trying to do this because I remember everyone I’ve wronged and think about things in my past a lot.

    I’ve realized however that apologizing doesn’t mean that the person you’ve wronged because of an instance they’ve wronged you before will ever change how they treat you. Even if you two were best friends. I had a very toxic friend in highschool who never owned up to something he did to me and I never really got over it. Instead of moving on I fought back, but looking back I can at least acknowledge he is a narcissist and never wanted me to be happy in the first place. I wronged him by letting my emotions take over, but he was oblivious to the pain he put me or anybody else through. It’s that mantra that keeps me from wanting to fight him again even if it’s been years and years. I want to get over it and I think I can with enough change in my life but God damn I never thought I’d feel that kind of rage.

  • Yepp, most arguments are like this… people have also become a lot more opinionated than they used to be thanks to the internet. This actually happened to me yesterday and I typed my comment out 3 different ways until I gave up. Wasted 10 minutes of my lunch break trying to figure out if I needed to be subscribed to the community first to comment lol

  • Honestly, I kind of understand why the older generation was afraid of using the internet, they saw this lingo while trying to fix a leaky pipe on a Yahoo Answers thread and said “not my worldwideweb!”

    I didn’t talk this incredibly stupid and “unique” on chats during AOL and MSN days but by the time I got to highschool I realized I needed to stop with all the emojis and emphasis in text form because nobody knows how nor cares to decypher what you’re saying anyway.