“Shorthand created during the time cell phones were becoming ubiquitous about 20yr ago”
Are you like, a greenland shark that has been alive since 1865 so your concept of time is on an entirely different scale than the rest of us making 20yr ago “the latest fad” as if it were 2 months for us?
People typing whatever is the latest fad, such as “rn’, " tbh”, etc.
smh r u fr rn?
Ya bb
Shh bb… is okay.
For Real I believe
Nah, that’s just France.
Bad take. Been saying rn and tbh for years. Communicating isn’t a fad imo (see what I did there)
No-one has ever been able to tell me what they do with all that time that they saved with the abbreviations.
type more abbreviations, ofc
When speaking with close friends it does save an awful lot of time.
“Latest fad”
“Shorthand created during the time cell phones were becoming ubiquitous about 20yr ago”
Are you like, a greenland shark that has been alive since 1865 so your concept of time is on an entirely different scale than the rest of us making 20yr ago “the latest fad” as if it were 2 months for us?
Smh @ ur fud