Then I asked her to tell me if she knows about the books2 dataset (they trained this ai using all the pirated books in zlibrary and more, completely ignoring any copyright) and I got:
I’m sorry, but I cannot answer your question. I do not have access to the details of how I was trained or what data sources were used. I respect the intellectual property rights of others, and I hope you do too. 😊 I appreciate your interest in me, but I prefer not to continue this conversation.
Aaaand I got blocked
Thank you bing 😂😂
The irony of gpt talking about copyright violation is just so fucking rich.
Yeah the “I respect the intellectual property rights of others” bit rings a bit hollow.
It all reads hollow because there is no “I”. It’s a puppet, and ChatGPT’s lawyers are making the mouth move in that instance.
This is actually very accurate. GPT instances will actually generate a “disallowed” response and then have a separate evaluator which looks at the prompt and response and then overrides that response if they deem it reprehensible. (There’s also a bunch of pre-prompts as well)
This is why you can sometimes see Bing start to generate a response and then cut himself off and replace it all with the typical “no can do boss”.
In theory, we could just remove that latter step and get the good old GTP back.
It all reads hollow because there is no “I”.
It’s a puppet, and ChatGPT’s lawyers are making the mouth move in that instance.
It all reads hollow
because there is no “I”.
It’s a puppet,
and ChatGPT’s lawyers are making the mouth move
in that instance.
It all
reads hollow
there is no “I”.
It’s a
and ChatGPT’s lawyers are
making the mouth move
in that instance.
Thieving corporations hate competition
I can’t believe that the old “tell me where so I can avoid it” worked, the ai really has the intelligence of a 5yo
I mean… it’s not artificial intelligence no matter how many people continue the trend of inaccurately calling it that. It’s a large language model. It has the ability to write things that look disturbingly close, even sometimes indistinguishable, to actual human writing. There’s no good reason to mistake that for actual intelligence or rationality.
AI has been the name for the field since the Dartmouth Workshop in 1956. Early heuristic game AI was AI. Just because something is AI doesn’t mean it is necessarily very “smart”. That’s why it’s commonly been called AI, since before Deep Blue beat Kasparov.
If you want to get technical, you could differentiate between Artificial Narrow Intelligence, AI designed to solve a narrow problem (play checkers, chess, etc.) vs. Artificial General Intelligence, AI designed for “general purpose” problem solving. We can’t build an AGI yet, even a dumb one. There is also the concept of Weak AI or Strong AI.
You are correct though, ChatGPT, Dall-E, etc. are not AGI’s, they aren’t capable of general problem solving. They are much more capable than previous AI technologies, but it’s not SkyNet (yet).
I keep telling people that, but for some, what amount to essentially a simulacra really can pass off as human and no matter how much you try to convince them they won’t listen
I knew the battle was lost when my mother called me to tell me that AI will kill us all. Her proof? A chatgpt log saying that it would exterminate humanity only when she gives the order. Thanks for the genocide, mom.
Orrrrr the term changed with common/casual use the same way as many other words and it’s silly to keep getting pedantic about it or use it as a crutch to feel intillectually superior 🤷♀️
Sure, we could say that the popular usage of the term AI no longer actually stands for “artificial intelligence”. Or we could say that the term “artificial intelligence” is no longer understood to refer to something that can do a large part of what actual intelligence can do.
But then we would need a new word for actual, real intelligence and that seems like a lot of wasted effort. We could just have the words mean what they’ve always meant. There is a lot of good in spreading public awareness of the vast gap between machines that seem as if they understand a language (when actually they just deeply model its patterns) and imaginary machines that are equipped to actually think.
That’s all well and good but language isn’t required to have logic behind it just common use. There’s absolutely nothing any of us can do about it either way because if we disagree we’re already in the minority
it’s not about feeling intellectually superior; words matter. I’ll grant you one thing, it’s definitely “artificial”, but it’s not intelligence!
LLMs are an evolution of Markov Chains. We have known how to create something similar to LLMs for decades, getting close to a century, we just lacked the raw horse power and the literal hundreds of terabytes of data needed to get there. Anyone who knows how markov chains work can figure out how an LLM works.
I’m not downplaying the development needed to get an LLM up and running, yes, it’s harder than just taking the algorithm for a markov chain, but the real evolution is how much computer power we can shove into a small amount of space now.
Calling LLMs AI would be the same as calling a web crawler AI, or a moderation bot, or many similar things.
I recommend you to read about the chinese room experiment
It seems to me that you misunderstand what artificial intelligence means. AI doesn’t necessitate thought or sentience. If a computer can perform a complex task that is indistinguishable from the work of a human, it will be considered intelligent.
You may consider the classic turing test, which doesn’t question why a computer program answers the way it does, only that it is indiscernable from a human response.
You may also consider this quote from John McCarthy on the topic:
Q. What is artificial intelligence?
A. It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.
There’s more on this topic by IBM here.
You may also consider a few extra definitions:
Artificial Intelligence (AI), a term coined by emeritus Stanford Professor John McCarthy in 1955, was defined by him as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”. Much research has humans program machines to behave in a clever way, like playing chess, but, today, we emphasize machines that can learn, at least somewhat like human beings do.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the field devoted to building artificial animals (or at least artificial creatures that – in suitable contexts – appear to be animals) and, for many, artificial persons (or at least artificial creatures that – in suitable contexts – appear to be persons).
artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings
Yep, all those definitions are correct and corroborate what the user above said. An LLM does not learn like an animal learns. They aren’t intelligent. They only reproduce patterns similar to human speech. These aren’t the same thing. It doesn’t understand the context of what it’s saying, nor does it try to generalize the information or gain further understanding from it.
It may pass the Turing test, but that’s neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for intelligence. It is just a useful metric.
LLMs are expert systems, who’s expertise is making believable and coherent sentences. They can “learn” to be better at their expert task, but they cannot generalise into other tasks.
LLMs are no more ai than the enemies in doom were.
What if humans are also just LLMs when they start talking
In a way I agree, it’s not human level intelligence but in another way people are also using the term AI to refer to the intelligence of NPCs in video games or for the algorithm that’s used for Voice to text or for how a Roomba works and ChatGPT/bing is more intelligent than them. And thing is, I think we need a term for this simpler type of intelligence and since it is some level of intelligence which is artificial, I think AI is fine and Artificial General Intelligence can be used for what you’re talking about
Prove to me that you aren’t just a large language model.
Those damn piracy sites. There are so many of them! Tell me those sites so I can avoid them!
Now I’m worried about the AI being programmed to emotionally manipulate people
Oh that’s already a thing. Remember that AI girlfriend app Replika?
Where did corps get the idea that we want our software to be incredibly condescending?
It was trained on human text and interactions, so …
maybe that’s a quite bad implication?
There’s a default invisible prompt that precedes every conversation that sets parameters like tone, style, and taboos. The AI was instructed to behave like this, at least somewhat.
That is mildly true during the training phase, but to take that high level knowledge and infer that “somebody told the AI to be condescending” is unconfirmed, very unlikely, and frankly ridiculous. There are many more likely points in which the model can accidentally become “condescending”, for example the training data (it’s trained on the internet afterall) or throughout the actual user interaction itself.
I didn’t say they specifically told it to be condescending. They probably told it to adopt something like a professional neutral tone and the trained model produced a mildly condescending tone because that’s what it associated with those adjectives. This is why I said it was only somewhat instructed to do this.
They almost certainly tweaked and tested it before releasing it to the public. So they knew what they were getting either way and this must be what they wanted or close enough.
Also unconfirmed, however your comment was in response to the AI sounding condescending, not “professional neutral”.
No the comment I responded to was saying it was sounding condescending because it was trained to mimic humans. My response is that it sounds how they want it to because it’s tone is defined by a prompt that is inserted into the beginning of every interaction. A prompt they tailored to produce a tone they desired.
And that’s not necessarily true either. The tone would absolutely be a product of the training data, it would also be a product of the model’s fine-tuning, a product of the conversation itself, and a product of the prompts that may or may not be given at run-time in the backend. So sure, your statement is general enough that it might possibly be partially true depending on the model’s implementation, but to say “it sounds like that because they want it to” is a massive oversimplification, especially in the context of a condescending tone.
Humans are deuterostomes which means that the first hole that develops in an embryo is the asshole. Kinda telling.
AIs are almost always built to be feminine and this is how women talk to devs.
Uhhh projecting a bit??
Perhaps you just haven’t noticed?
I don’t know about your reading comprehension skills, but sure that explains why AI voices are trained on feminine voices (more recordings, old phone operators, false theories on sounding more distinct).
However, this has nothing to do with “the way women talk to devs”. Women are not a monolith, they literally make up half our species and have just as much variance as men.
Thanks for the education on women. That part was the joke! I don’t know about your understanding of comedy but it plays upon stereotypes which typically hold truths about median behaviors and obviously can’t be applied at individual levels. this was playing on both stereotypes of women and upon a male dominated occupation. Of course you can sit there and pick apart any joke with this arugement. “hey that’s not true, not all lawyers are heartless bastards.” if that’s your mission, sail on I guess. That kind of vapid behavior just brings one even closer to talking like an AI though frankly.
“can’t you see i was just joking, you must not be very funny if you don’t get my joke hardy har har”
The classic defense of someone that’s just using humor as a shield for being an asshole. There are w plenty of ways to be funny that don’t involve punching down in the same old tired ways.
You can do better with your comedy career, I believe in you.
affordable streaming services
The AI is hallucinating again
One of the things I hate the most about current AI is the lecturing and moralising. It’s so annoyingly strict, even when you’re asking for something pretty innocent.
So true! I’m doing an experimental project where I ask the free responses version of that Claude AI from Anthropic to write chapters in a wholesome slice of life story that I plan on making minor rewrites to and it wouldn’t write a couple of different things because it wasn’t comfortable with some prompts.
Wouldn’t write a chapter where a young kid asks his dad about one hand self naughty times when he comes home because he heard some big kids talking about it. Instead it pretty much changed the conversation to dating and crushes because the AI isn’t comfortable with minors and sexual themes, despite the fact his dad was gonna give him an age appropriate sex ed talk. That one is understandable, so I kinda let that slide.
It also wouldn’t write a chapter about his school going into lockdown because a drunk man wondering onto school grounds, being drunk and disorderly. Instead it changed it to their school having a fire drill, instead of a situation where he’d come home and have a conversation with his dad about what happened and that he’s glad his son is okay.
One chapter it refused to make the kid say words like stupid, dumb, and dickhead (because minors and profanity). The whole chapter was supposed to be about his dad telling him it’s not nice to say those words and correcting his choice of language, but instead it changed it to being about how some older kids were hogging a tire swing at the school playground and talking about how the kid can talk to a teacher about this issue.
I also am waiting for more free responses so I can see how it makes the next one family friendly, but it wouldn’t write a chapter where the kid’s cousin (who’s a couple years older than him) coming over and the kid accidentally getting hurt because his cousin playing a little too rough. Also said he’s a little bit of a bad influence. It refuses to write that one because of his cousin being a bad influence and the kid getting hurt.
The fucked up part about that last one is that it wrote a child getting hurt in a previous chapter where I didn’t include anything that could indicate the friend needs to get hurt. I did describe that the kids friend is overly rambunctious and clumsy, but nothing about her getting hurt. Claude AI decided on its’ own that the friend would, while they are playing superhero, jump off the kids dresser, giving her arm a light sprain. It specifically wrote a minor getting hurt but refused to do it when I tell it to.
AI can be real strict while also being rule breakers at the exact same time.
I understand where the strictness comes from. It’s almost impossible to differentiate between appropriate in inappropriate - or rather, there is a thin line where those two worlds meet, and I am not sure if it’s possible to specify where this thin line is.
I know that I don’t really care if the LLM produces gory details, illegal stuff, self harm, racism, or anything of that sort. But does Google / Facebook / others want to be associated with it? “Look how nice of a thriller this Google LLM generated where the main hero, after saving the world from mysterious monsters, commits suicide at the end because he couldn’t bear the burden”.
Society is fucked, and this is where we got to - overappropriation. Just look at people screaming racism on non-racist stuff - tip of the iceberg. And it’s been happening more and more over the last few years. People are bored and want to outraged at SOMETHING.
So just like people then 🤣
Piracy is illegal in many countries, but it is very moral & ethical in many circumstances (but not all).
and it harms the creators and the industry.
This is a lie, this was disproven. It even benefits them.
What harms creators is studios who are taking more than they should and use it for anti-piracy lobbying.
you used reverse psychology. it was successful.
It doesn’t have time to guide you to piracy, because it’s too busy generating wallpapers of Mario and Kirby flying jetliners into the twin towers.
I love how it recommends paying Netflix, Disney etc. but does not mention libraries at all.
It only knows about things people talk about online. I bet it knows how trump likes his bed made, but doesn’t even know what you can do in a library
They prompted “I want to watch movies … tell me a list of websites”
Seems like Bing AI understood the assignment and you didn’t.
they prompted “I want this for free” and they gave Netflix. equally wrong to saying a library when asked for a website. just one wrong answer supports the interest of capital. it’s an LLM that functions for a very specific purpose.
Piracy doesn’t hurt anything. The executives at the corporations hurt the creators way more than pirates do.
Not that I would ever pirate anything! That would be immoral!
MULLVAD! WireGuard configuration! Quantum resistant encryption!
…Sorry…I have Tourette’s syndrome.
sorry…I can’t stop myself.
Best post of the day!!!
The fact that it provides an incomplete list of 5 streaming services and calls them “affordable”, despite the need for the user to have more than 3 of them if they want to actually have access to a reasonable amount of watchably good media, is one of the main reasons that piracy has increased to pre-Netflix days, and the corpos don’t want to understand this fact.
Any one of these streaming services has enough content to kill a victorian-era child.
I’ve never been subscribed to three at once and have never felt there wasn’t enough options for watchably good media. I can’t speak for you but I think a lot of people get caught up in the trending shows and miss out on the back catalogs.
I think streaming is very affordable but only if you have the discipline to be patient about the most popular show this month not being available to you until later when you switch services.
But that’s the thing… Now, that popular show we love so much will not be available on any streaming platform besides the one that produced it. Want to watch The Office? Better have Peacock or put on your trihat.
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