There’s probably not any one single thing that I would do but interestingly enough I was charged once with a misdemeanor for providing food to the homeless and arrested, finger printed, and then released. At the hearing, the arresting officer failed to show and the judge, being a rather empathetic and progressive individual had the following to say to me:
Since the arresting officer has seen fit not to respect this court’s time, I am formally dropping the charges. I will go off of the record for one moment: Young man, some laws were intended to be broken. I applaud you for choosing wisely. Back on the record: I will order the record of arrest expunged because I see no benefit to society in having a record of this young man’s arrest for performing what is essentially good civil service. And so ordered
I am reminded that there are good people in this world.
Sadly these good people are not enough in these positions of power to make the world a better place :(
The judge is awesome and so are you. Which stupid law was that btw?
I don’t remember now because it was a long time ago. It happened when I lived in AZ.
My money is on Florida.
They said it happened in Arizona.
That’s beautiful, thanks for sharing. People like you and the judge, who will go against the grain to do the right thing, are what let me hope that we as a species might someday be able to get our shit together.
Of course there are good people on the world bro. You’re one of them.
Nice try, FBI.
deleted by creator
Suck our dicks, MI6
My always seeing through your tricks is a surety, Homeland Security
Eat a billionaire or two
I’ll bring the hot sauce.
Join last generation and sabotage some kind of fossil fuel thing.
Edit: Also hi feds :)
It would probably be beating an animal abuser to death.
Probably for being horny on main
Something piracy related… I’m an avid movie/tv pirate and get family members onto IPTV and my Plex server. I stick to my limits of family members only though and don’t make any money from it
I’d go full fight Club and wipe everyone’s debt
The RIAA finally catches up to me.
Wrongfully accused and convicted after being in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Such as being found in the murder victim’s apartment, mere moments after their murder.
“I swear! It wasn’t me! It was the one-armed man!”
Twin peaks reference?
More The Fugitive/The Mask.
Seditious thoughts. Unless Op means in breach of current laws.
You are not alone
Probably a random obscure law l accidentally violate at some point like picking up an eagle feather or something.
“What do you mean scrambled eagle eggs are illegal?”
Same. Might as well go for broke.
Premarital sex in the state of Utah prior to 2018.
Removing the tag from the couch.
What a monster! You should be crucified, beheaded, fined and thrown to jail for the rest of your life! (in that order, of course)