If your cards look like this then they are legit game cards but from the old Digimon TCG that was discontinued several years ago. The current TCG was released in 2020 along with the reboot of the Digimon Adventure anime.
I was also more of a Digimon kid than a Pokémon kid growing up, so it brings me much joy that the current TCG is actually picking up steam internationally. Hopefully the franchise keeps flourishing because it really deserves it.
Yes because here you can’t get a driver’s license without learning how to drive a manual transmission. All your lessons and final driving exam are always in a manual transmission vehicle. (Portugal, 28 years old)
However I know many people who switch to automatic after they’re done with their exam because they don’t want to deal with it. I’ve always heard that manual is for people who like to drive and auto is for people who just need a car to get from A to B.