I will migrate myself directly into a new company. Byeeeeeee
Correct answer: Lay off everyone. The new project will be coded solely by AI. 💯 hired.
Not hired at all, but feedback added to database for said AI project that will envelop all roles therein.
Fire the asshole, split their work with the remaining 2 employees. Give yourself a raise.
The asshole sounds like the only one competent or doing the work
That’s why they pay me the big bucks.
Mozilla CEO is that you?
The not alone condition does not apply if manager is with them
- take asshole
- take bore, but return with asshole
- take idiot
- take asshole.
I love this idea of the asshole getting transferred to a new project, removed from said project shortly after, only to be put back on the project after another short period.
Haha! Take that, asshole!
I think the correct answer is:
So you don’t want to hire me for my leadership skills you just want me to be the face of your decisions? You’ve already decided the asshole needs to move first, why not just move him yourself?
This is simple.
- Take the bore.
By the horns?
You prefer another way?
But if this kills you it will lead to the fall of Westeros.
I leave interview because in this question I’m not the team lead but just tool that take orders.
I have some news for you.
That we’re billionaires puppets, enslaved by country to work until death or something new ?
Sweet summer child still thinks management isn’t just an RA for a warren on the brink of cannibalism.
This is just the hen, fox and grain puzzle
No, it’s the wolf, cabbage and goat puzzle.
It’s not, the way it’s written, the asshole cannot coexist with either the bore or the idiot, which is pretty accurate.
The hen can’t be alone with the fox or the grain, so it’s still the same.
You’re right, I want thinking of the manager thermals as counting as another person for the purposes of “alone with”, but provided they can move back and forth simultaneously with their employee (or they’re always counted as part of the new team) then the puzzle is possible.
So, which of the three is the Team Lead?
Usually the asshole.
But fair
I’d have gone with the idiot
A team lead is an idiot, an asshole, and a bore all wrapped up in one. Source: I’m a team lead.
rsync -r --remove-source-file
or mv in a loop.Trick question! IATA: IDGAF about your rules about who can work with who.
That’s right! I said “who” not “whom”! I don’t care about your grammar rules either: like putting punctuation inside quotations. Or starting a sentence with a conjunction.
Did I get the job?
Honestly this is the most sane take. If the asshole can’t work with 2/3 of the team then they need to GTFO. I don’t have the time or mental bandwidth to deal with shit like that.
Source: director of both the IT and software departments
no you didn’t get the job
but the CEO position is yours if you want
simple. fire the asshole.
no no no. if I’ve learned anything at work you fire the most competent one, the bore.
then the asshole quits because he can’t work with the idiot.
and then the idiot gets promoted to management when you get fired.
and the cycle continues.
Somebody get this man an MBA
Bold to presume that he does not already have five of 'em.
That’s assuming the idiot in this isn’t the interviewee.
I’m glad companies are asking real world questions instead of the silly made up ones
I leave them all behind